
Hannah is a registered Nutritional Therapist, Naturopath and Kinesiologist.

What do I do?

I work with people to overcome symptoms and conditions through nutrients, kinesiology and other natural methods. We find the cause of the problem as opposed to managing symptoms. Eg. Is it low Zinc? Is it parasites? Is it emotional? There are often a few factors at play.

I take great time and care writing up protocols tailored to their needs in order to see results. I aim to work with every client until all the various parts of their body are functioning optimally so that symptoms fall away and our initial aims are achieved. Sometimes this requires one session. Sometimes 3-6 are needed over a period of months. Hormones and fertility tend to take on average up to 3 months.

Why do I do what I do?

I’m obsessed with people feeling their best and with finding the why. I am confident in the ability of nutrients to restore bodily function and I witness my clients ridding symptoms that they have suffered with for years on a daily basis.

Who do I work with?

I have clients of all ages.

I work with the following regularly and successfully :

Fertility, migraines, PCOS, hypo/hyper thyroid, IBS, acid reflux, fatigue, autoimmunity, PMS, PMDD, anxiety, depression, acne, eczema, tachycardia, asthma, poor sleep.

Read what my clients say here.



Biomedicine, naturopathy and nutrition at the College of Naturopathic Medicine

Systematic Kinesiology at The Academy of Systematic Kinesiology
